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'Listen to You' Group Coaching Program

  • 16 Steps


This is a 6-week journey that you will embark on to understand your soul's calling. This is a self-paced group coaching program that is about finding your voice, activating your psychic senses, and being in alignment with what you are here to do in this lifetime. Get ready to unlock the keys to your soul, and to listen deeply to what is meant for you. We will be going in-depth about the following topics: Week 1: Activating your psychic senses Week 2: Souls purpose Week 3: Self-love Week 4: Shadow work rituals Week 5: Find your creative joy Week 6: Plan to grow and evolve Each week comes with a presentation, followed by meditations, and journal prompts in the workbook. This container is for those who identify themselves a woman.

You can also join this program via the mobile app. Go to the app





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